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everything you need in one!

Digital Finance Planner

powered by Goalry

Track your financial health based on your income, spending habits, debt payoff, and the financial goals you achieve.

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Let's go to the MALL!

The Digital Finance Planner is designed to resemble a mall with 3 FLOORS, each serving an important purpose in helping you gain understanding and build confidence with your money.

3rd Floor
Finance Store

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2nd Floor
Finance Education

1st Floor
Social Network

How It Works


01 | Connect your accounts
Connect your bank accounts, receive your financial health score, and get automatically categorized transactions to help jump start your budgeting journey.
02 | Set your goals
Easily set and track all of your financial goals from saving for a trip to paying off debt. Visually see your progress and earn badges as you achieve your goals!
03 | Learn and grow as you go!
Use the 2nd floor to watch videos and read blogs about financial topics you may have questions on. The more you learn, the more you can grow along your journey!

3rd Floor

Financial Store

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The 3rd floor is a collection of 8 stores designed to help you manage your finances. Each store dives into a specific topic related to money management and provides detailed information to help you grow.


Shop & compare insurance


Shop & compare loan offers

Shop & compare tax offers


2nd Floor

Financial Education


The 2nd floor offers free financial videos and blogs from Jada, the Budget Coach and many other leading financial experts.

1st Floor

Social Network

The 1st floor is where you can find all of the links to my social media accounts, so you can always stay up to date with my latest content.


Pricing Overview



Unlock all of the financial tools of the planner, get ongoing financial health scoring, and personalized finance insights.

Most popular



Unlock all of the financial tools of the planner, get ongoing financial health scoring, and personalized finance insights for a whole year!

4 months free

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